UnBullying: Uniting For Revolutionary Change


Co-written by the founders of The Bullying Revolution, Cameron Gill and Teresa Butler, UnBullying is about breaking the system to create a revolution in the bullying prevention field.

UnBullying is a concept that describes the process of creating change. It is about undefining bullying, and undoing the damaging impacts of behaviours, words and actions that cause harm, to ensure they are addressed in an open, empathic and compassionate environment.

UnBullying is about unsticking our mindsets, changing our focus, and broadening our understanding, looking at the harms caused by behaviours, regardless of whether or not we consider that behaviour warrants the experience of harm. UnBullying is about making an impact, so kids are able to go out and become the people that they want to become.

Uniting for Revolutionary Change

UnBullying is about uniting people for revolutionary change. It’s about connecting and engaging with people who are ready to embrace a new approach, or are ready to accept that that way we’ve been doing things hasn’t been working, and that it’s time to look at the problem differently.

This book is a resource for parents, schools and practitioners. It also provides an introduction to The Bullying Revolution and our approach. It gives a bit of insight into the things we see that need to change and some of the ways that we think we can create lasting solutions in the bullying prevention landscape. And it contains loads of strategies to help us create real change on both individual and social levels.

UnBullying is primarily about the wellbeing of kids. Ultimately, that’s what is important. Why do we want to end bullying? Because it harms people. It ruins lives. We care about bullying because we care about kids; we care about their lives and their wellbeing and their happiness.

Our approach to ending bullying is through creating a global culture of kindness. We see a united world free of the negative effects of bullying behaviours, where kindness, compassion, equality, empathy, and understanding are valued and celebrated as the norm rather than the exception. Where we teach kindness instead of punishing mistakes.  Where we educate through our example as adults and role models.

Change is possible. In fact, it’s inevitable. We really just have to choose the kind of change we want.

Buy the book!

UnBullying is now available for purchase through Amazon:

If you are local or prefer to buy it directly from us, you can buy it here:


Thank you!

UnBullying was made possible by the support of two hundred backers in our Kickstarter campaign. Thank you to everyone who shared and supported us in bringing this work to life, with a special thanks to Gary Brogdale & Trina Phuah, The Bridgfords, and Bravura Education.
